Aleo Ambassador Program
Today, we are officially launching the long-awaited Ambassadors Program! The purpose of the Ambassadors Program is to bring together people from all over the world who are passionate about Aleo and want to support the project by driving adoption, raising awareness, and strengthening the community.
This program will be highly competitive. There are many people in the Aleo community, and while we wanted to include as many of you as possible, we also wanted to make sure the program was small enough to be well-run.
Note that this announcement only covers what we consider Phase 1 (pre-mainnet) of the Ambassadors Program. Once mainnet launches, we expect the program to evolve and grow. We will have more information about that when mainnet launches in Q3.
We will have two tiers of Ambassadors:
MAESTRO - a group of 23 people who have been very helpful over the past year. We will be notifying these people on Friday and asking if they want to be part of the program. They will not have to participate in the application process; instead they will help us select the next Aleo Ambassadors.
APPRENTICE - 30 to 50 people that we will select based on specific criteria.
The application will reopen in mid-May and again in mid-August before mainnet launch. We will be accepting 30-50 new Ambassadors each round. Once you have been accepted as an ambassador, you will keep your “Ambassador status” if you follow two rules:
Don’t break any of our rules and guidelines which are listed under “⛔ COMMUNITY RULES & GUIDELINES ⛔ ” in the #welcome channel in Discord.
Produce at least two “Ambassador Tasks” each month (more on this later)
How do I apply?
There will be TWO steps to the application process.
Step one - Verification:
On Wednesday, March 9 at 12 pm ET, we will post a link in the #announcements channel in Discord. That link will take you to a Typeform with three questions.
What is your Discord handle? (MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE THE NUMBER AFTER THE # - for example: Aleo | Official#5582)
Share a link to a 5 to 10 second video on YouTube, Vimeo, or Google Drive of yourself saying your full name and holding a piece of paper with your Discord handle written on it. Make sure that your video is not in private mode/restricted access.
IMPORTANT: THIS FORM WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE FOR 1500 PEOPLE TO SUBMIT AND THEN IT WILL AUTOMATICALLY CLOSE. We realize that 1500 is not a lot of people given the interest in the program but we wanted to make sure we had the time to actually review each submission.
If you successfully submit an application and your video verifies you are who you say you are, you will be able to move onto Step Two once it opens (we will NOT contact you if you failed the verification step).
Step two - Application:
On Wednesday March 16, at 12pm ET, we will email a link to the verified applicants from an official aleo.org email address. Check your spam if you did not receive it. YOU WILL NEED YOUR VERIFIED EMAIL FROM THE STEP BEFORE TO ACCESS THE FORM. Do not share the email or link to the form. Any application from an unregistered email address will be automatically discarded and banned from participating in future Ambassador Programs.
What are the rewards for being a part of the program?
In the first round, MAESTROS will receive 50 initial points. APPRENTICES will receive 25 initial points. For each round thereafter, existing Maestros will receive 50 points and existing Apprentices will receive 25 more points. An Apprentice can become a Maestro if they show exceptional work. Points will accumulate over time. Points cannot be transferred. And most importantly, POINTS HOLD NO INHERENT VALUE.
Person A is a Maestro. S(he) receives 50 initial points. S(he) does a wonderful job for the three months and keeps the Maestro position. In the next round, S(he) receives 50 more points for a total of 100 points.
Ambassadors will also receive different roles on Discord (Maestro and Apprentice).
As an Ambassador, you will be associated with the Aleo Ambassador Program and will be featured in our promotional initiatives.
In addition to these tiers, there will be opportunities for special Discord roles, to be defined later.
What does being an Ambassador entail?
Examples of what Ambassadors are responsible for include (but are not limited to):
Creating unique content by writing blogs or contributing to code and tutorials
Examples include writing an article on Leo or on Aleo’s competitors
Translating existing Aleo content
Hosting meetups
Representing different regions in our international community
Growing the Aleo developer resources
Supporting initiatives around Aleo and the ZK community
Community Management
Onboarding new Ambassadors
Language channels in Discord
Helping each other to grow a community focused on quality and trust
We expect you to complete at least two items from this list each month.
Can I reapply in the next round if I didn’t get accepted?
Yes! You can definitely reapply if you missed the application round or if you were not selected.
How will you score the applications?
Quality of application
How helpful have you been in the ecosystem? Have you been adding quality to the community?
How long have you been actively involved in the Aleo project? (We’ll look at the length of Discord membership for this).
We’re launching this program with only a few Ambassadors at first so we can expand it properly instead of launching with too many Ambassadors and mismanaging this project. We are so thankful for all of you, our Aleo family, and we’re doing what we can to keep the quality of this community high in terms of content, people, and ideas. Thank you for being a part of that.
Let the fun begin!
Any Questions?
Head to the #Ambassador-Program channel in Discord and ask your question. Someone will be there to help (NOTE: there is a specific channel for these questions. Please refrain from posting in any other channels about the Ambassador Program as your question will be automatically deleted to avoid clogging other channels).
About Aleo
Our blog features the stories of developer and privacy advocates building a better internet with zero knowledge.
About Viviane Ford
Viviane Ford is the VP of Community at Aleo, where she leads all things community including the Ambassador Program. Previously, she worked as Senior VP of Operations for a self-driving car startup in San Francisco. She’s a lover of improv, comedy, and crypto and has even combined the last two at times.
For further information contact us at hello@aleo.org